
#inject is used to get a concepts definition and inject it at a path specified in @path meta-data. In below definition, return literal is defined separately and injected under $property concept;

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "$class+": { 
        "$property*": { }
    "#inject": {
        "return": "$returnType",
        "@path": "/$class/$property"

This is equivalent to below definition;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": { 
        "$property*": {
            "return": "$returnType"

Multiple Paths

It can inject a definition to multiple paths. Below example injects return literal to both $property and $method concepts;

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "$class+": { 
        "$property*": { },
        "$method*": { }
    "#inject": {
        "return": "$returnType",
        "@path": [ "/$class/$property", "/$class/$method" ]

This is equivalent to below definition;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": { 
        "$property*": {
            "return": "$returnType"
        "$method*": {
            "return": "$returnType"

Wildcard Support

@path supports wildcard characters * and **. * means "any node" for one level, ** means "any node" for every level.

CONCEPTS: class.concepts.json

    "$class+": { 
        "$property*": { },
        "$method*": { }
    "#inject": {
        "return": "$returnType",
        "@path": [ "/*/$property", "/**/$method" ]

No Path

When an injection does not have a @path meta-data, it means that its definition is going to be injected at the root. Below is an example;

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "#inject": {
        "$class+": { }

This is equivalent to the following;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": { }

Multiple Injections

#inject can have an array of definitions.

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "#inject": [
            "$class+": { }
            "$property+": { },
            "@path": "/**/$class"
            "$method+": { },
            "@path": "/**/$class"
            "returns": "$returnType",
            "@path": [ "/**/$method", "/**/$property" ]
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "@path": "/**/$method"

Above definition is equivalent to this;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": {
        "$property+": { 
            "returns": "$returnType"
        "$method+": { 
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "returns": "$returnType"

Order of Injections

The order of injections matters, they are processed in the order they appear. Below definition will only have $class concept after being processed, because none of the paths hit a node in the definition;

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "#inject": [
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "@path": "/**/$method"
            "returns": "$returnType",
            "@path": [ "/**/$method", "/**/$property" ]
            "$method+": { },
            "@path": "/**/$class"
            "$property+": { },
            "@path": "/**/$class"
            "$class+": { }

This is equivalent to the following;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": { }

Process Order of Injections, References and Include

Just like included concepts definitions, an injected definition can also have its own references.

CONCEPTS: dto.concepts.json

    "$class+": "#properties",
    "#properties": {
        "$property+": { }

CONCEPTS: behavior.concepts.json

    "#include": "dto.concepts.json",
    "#inject": [
            "$method+": "#parameters",
            "#parameters": {
                "$parameter*": "$type"
            "@path": "/**/$class"
            "returns": "$returnType",
            "@path": [ "/**/$method", "/**/$property" ]

For this example, process order of behavior.concepts.json is as follows;

  1. Process #includes of behavior.concepts.json;
    1. Process #includes of dto.concepts.json
      1. None found
    2. Process # references at the root of dto.concepts.json
      1. Process #properties reference
    3. Process #injects of dto.concepts.json
      1. None found
  2. Process # references at the root of behavior.concepts.json
    1. None found
  3. Process #injects of behavior.concepts.json
    1. Process # references of first #inject ($method)
      1. Process #parameters reference
    2. Place first #inject to paths matching /**/$class
    3. Process # references of second #inject ($return)
      1. None found
    4. Place second #inject to paths matching /**/$method or /**/$property

Therefore behavior.concepts.json is equivalent to below definition;

CONCEPTS: class.concepts.json

    "$class+": {
        "$property+": { 
            "returns": "$returnType"
        "$method+": { 
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "returns": "$returnType"