Explicit Concepts

Consider below concepts definition;

CONCEPTS: class.concepts.json

    "$class*": {
        "$property*": {
            "returns": "$returnType"
        "$method*": {
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "returns": "$returnType"   

In below schema definition, it is explicitly specified that logout is a $method;

SCHEMA: user.class.json

    "user": {
        "logout:method": {
            "returns": "number"

Without :method, it would be a $property.

Resolving Literal Conflicts

When a literal and a concept exists at the same level, literals are resolved before concepts. That puts a restriction on potential names of that concept. To workaround this problem, concept name can be given explicitly.

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "$parameter*": "$type",
        "response?": "$responseType"

Below schema defines a $parameter named response;

SCHEMA: log.service.json

    "writeLog": {
        "response:parameter": "string"