Defining A Reference

A key with a # prefix at the root of the file means that it is a definition of a reusable reference. When it is encountered in value side, it means that reference is being used. Below is an example.

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "$class+": "#properties",
    "#properties": {
        "$property*": "$type"

Above there is a #properties reference in which $property concept is defined and it is used under $class concept. This definition is equivalent to below definition;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": {
        "$property*": "$type"

References does not have an effect in concepts shadow and schema validation, so class-1.concepts.json has exactly the same shadow and schema validation behavior with class-2.concepts.json.

References Can Only Be Defined at the Root

Below is an invalid definition because #method is defined under $class concept instead of being defined at the root;

CONCEPTS: class.concepts.json

    "$class+": {
        "$method*": "#method",
        "#method": {
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "returns": "$type"

ERROR: 'class.concepts.json' is not valid, '#method' should be defined at theroot.