
#include loads a concepts file from given path and replaces definitions inside that file to the place where it was included. Below, $parameter concept is included from another file;

CONCEPTS: parameter.concepts.json

    "$parameter*": "$type"

CONCEPTS: service-1.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "#include": "parameter.concepts.json"

Here service-1.concepts.json is equivalent to below concepts definition;

CONCEPTS: service-2.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "$parameter*": "$type"

Processing Order

When a concepts definition is loaded, first #includes are processed. Then it should process references of included definition, and it finally places processed definition into where it was included. Below is an example;

CONCEPTS: method.concepts.json

   "$method*": "#parameters & #return",
    "#parameters": {
        "$parameter*": "$type"
    "#return": {
        "returns": "$type"

CONCEPTS: class-1.concepts.json

    "$class+": "#properties & #methods",
    "#properties": {
        "$property*": "$type"
    "#methods": {
        "#include": "method.concepts.json"

For this example, processing order is as follows;

  • Load file class-1.concepts.json
  • Look for #includes
    • Load file method.concepts.json
    • Look for #includes
      • None found
    • Process references in method.concepts.json
    • Place processed definition of method.concepts.json where it was included
  • Process references in class-1.concepts.json

So it becomes a concepts definition equivalent to the following;

CONCEPTS: class-2.concepts.json

    "$class+": {
        "$property*": "$type",
        "$method*": {
            "$parameter*": "$type",
            "returns": "$type"

Including a Remote File

You can also write a complete URL to include a concepts file. Below is an example;

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "#include": ""