Defining a Custom Type

Custom types are defined under @types meta-data. In below definition, identifier is a custom type definition.

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "name": "$name:identifier"

    "@types": {
        "identifier": { }

Above definition makes $name an identifier. identifier type derives from any type by default.

If a custom type does not exist under @types, then concepts definition is invalid.

Concepts shadow does not reflect meta-data, however it still sets the type of $name to identifier;


    "concept": {
        "name": "service",
        "quantifier": { "min": 1 },
        "literal": {
            "name": "name",
            "variable": {
                "name": "name",
                "type": "identifier"

Specifying a Base Type

You can derive a custom type from another type by adding type key under its definition.

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service+": {
        "name": "$name:identifier"
    "@types": {
        "identifier": { 
            "type": "string"

Now $name is an identifier which is a string. So it will allow only string values.

type can be either one of the built-in types (boolean, string, number or any) or another custom type.