Zero or One

? indicates that concept is optional and might or might not exist in schemas. So for the following, $parameter? indicates that parameter concept is optional under the $service concept;

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service": {
        "$parameter?": "$type"

So both of below schemas are valid now;

SCHEMA: greeting-1.service.json

    "sayHello": { }

SCHEMA: greeting-2.service.json

    "sayHello": { 
        "name": "string"

More Than One Concept Fails Validation

Below schema is not valid, because at most one parameter was expected;

SCHEMA: greeting.service.json

    "sayHello": { 
        "name": "string",
        "surname": "string"

It gives below error when this schema is loaded;

ERROR: 'greeting.service.json' is not valid, maximum allowed number of 'parameter' is 1, but got 2.

Key Literals

A key literal also becomes optional with ? at the end;

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service": {
        "$parameter?": "$type",
        "response?": "$responseType"

Below schema becomes valid;

SCHEMA: greeting.service.json

    "sayHello": {
        "name": "string"

Concepts Shadow

Concepts shadow include quantifier information. For below concepts definition;

CONCEPTS: service.concepts.json

    "$service": {
        "$parameter?": "$type",
        "response?": "$responseType"

Concepts shadow is as follows;


    "concept": {
        "name": "service",
        "literal": {
            "name": "response",
            "quantifier": { "min": 0, "max": 1 },
            "variable": {
                "name": "responseType"
        "concept": {
            "name": "parameter",
            "quantifier": { "min": 0, "max": 1 },
            "variable": {
                "name": "type"

Schema Shadow

When there are variables next to optional literals, schema shadow should set variable value to null. When an optional concept is not defined in a schema, schema shadow have null for that concept;

SCHEMA: greeting.service.json

    "sayHello": { }


    "service": {
        "name": "sayHello",
        "parameter": null,
        "responseType": null

Null Concepts

Below schema is also valid;

SCHEMA: greeting.service.json

    "sayHello": null

It casts the same shadow above;


    "service": {
        "name": "sayHello",
        "parameter": null,
        "responseType": null