Concept Keys in Shadows

shadow should have name of the concept for the key of its identifier. if there is a child literal or variable with the name of the concept, this means it will override that value. default key can be altered using indexer syntax []; e.g. for $database[type], key is type e.g. for $database[database,type], same value will be both at type and at database

concept name can be pluralized using pluralization syntax (); e.g. for $period(s)*, concept parent key becomes periods e.g. for $child(ren)*, concept parent key becomes children e.g. for $city(-ies)*, concept parent key becomes cities e.g. for $analysis(--es)*, concept parent key becomes analyses e.g. for $mouse(----ice)*, concept parent key becomes mice e.g. for $mouse(^mice)*, concept parent key becomes mice

    "!$environment*": {
        "$database[type]:db": "$connection"
    "$period(s)[cron]*": [ "$urls" ],
    "@types": {
        "db": [ "mysql", "postgresql" ]
    "environment": {
        "development": {
            "environment": "development",
            "database": {
                "type": "mysql",
                "connection": "..."
    "periods": [
            "cron": "0 0 * * *",
            "urls": [ "", "" ]