Render text using a template with any json

TBD - use case


There is a json and a template, but they don't match.


  • Create concepts for json
  • Create concepts for template
  • Create a transformation from concepts of json to concepts of template
  • Transform existing json to a json that matches template
  • Render template using new json

Class Diagram

Below diagram allows;

  • Verifying schemas against concepts
  • Transforming a schema to another schema
  • Generate code from templates and schemas

class Concepts {
    + loadSchema(schema: JSON, path: String): Schema
    + validateSchema(schema: JSON, path: String): boolean
    + {static} load(concepts: JSON, path: String): Concepts

class Schema {
    - concepts: Concepts
    + getJSON() : JSON
    + {static} load(schema: JSON, path: String): Schema

class Transformation {
    - source: Concepts
    - target: Concepts
    + transform(schema: Schema): Schema
    + transform(schema: JSON): JSON

class Template {
    + render(schema: Schema): String
    + render(schema: Schema, transformation: Transformation): String

Transformation *-- Concepts : has 2 >
Schema *-- Concepts : has > 
Transformation .. Schema : transforms >
Schema .. Template : renders <

Pseudo Code of Facade Methods

Concepts.createSchema = function(schema) {
        throw error;    
    return this + schema; // => implementation

Transformation.transform = function(source: Schema) {

Transformation.transform = function(source: JSON) {
    return this + + source; // => implementation

Template.render = function(schema) {
    return this + schema; // => implementation

Template.render = function(schema, transformation) {
    return this.render(