
A software has many aspects with each of these aspects having their own concepts. Assume that you develop a web based software in which there is a board where people can post photos and view photos of others. This software will likely to have;

  • UI aspect: a UI app to post and browse photos
  • API aspect: an API that handles photo posting and listing
  • DevOps aspect: a CI mechanism to manage deployments

For every aspect of this software, there are different concepts. For example;

  • From a UI aspect, there are routing concepts
  • From an API aspect, there are endpoint concepts
  • From a DevOps aspect, there are deployment concepts

json concepts can help you to define these concepts. Using your concept definitions you can create and validate schemas for every aspect. These schemas will have certain things in common, for example a routing schema may differ for each environment. So environment is a concept for UI aspect as well. This means transforming a schema from one aspect into another may also help you to organize your source code.

For now this section includes a couple of use cases that represent the motivation behind developing json concepts. As it finds more real life usage, we will add more examples.

Anatomy of a Use Case

Each use case follows below structure;

  • Problem definition
  • Short example of the problem
  • A solution using json concepts
  • A solution without json concepts